Black Honors College - Black History Month

Participation Drive
0 Donors
Towards goal of 10 Donors
$0.00 Raised
days left
Project ends on February 28, at 11:59 PM PST
Project Owners

Celebrating Our Heritage, Building Our Future

As we celebrate Black History Month, we invite you to be part of a transformative moment in higher education. Sacramento State has established the nation's first-ever Black Honors College, opening its doors in Fall 2024. This groundbreaking initiative both honors our shared history and shapes our collective future. Black History Month originated in 1926 and represents our nation's commitment to recognizing and celebrating the essential contributions of Black Americans to our society. Today, we at Sacramento State are advancing this legacy of excellence by creating innovative educational opportunities that empower the next generation of leaders.

The Black Honors College: A Pioneering Vision

As a Black Serving Institution with the largest Black student population within CSU, Sacramento State is uniquely positioned to lead this revolutionary initiative. The Black Honors College welcomes all students interested in Black history, life, and culture, providing them with:

  • Specialized coursework within a rigorous academic environment
  • Distinctive research opportunities and creative arts programs
  • Paid internships and professional development
  • Bi-weekly seminars focused on economic empowerment and leadership
  • A dedicated residential living and learning community
  • Annual scholarship support

Our Black Honors College scholars receive:

  • Comprehensive academic and professional mentorship
  • Small, specialized classes taught by distinguished faculty
  • Hands-on research experience and creative opportunities
  • Leadership development through our innovative curriculum

When you support Sacramento State's Black Honor's College you are:

  • Providing scholarship support for high-achieving students
  • Funding innovative research and creative projects
  • Supporting specialized academic programming
  • Creating meaningful internship opportunities
  • Building a sustainable foundation for future generations of leaders

Together, we can create opportunities that transform lives and communities. Join us in making history by supporting the nation's first Black Honors College. Through your generosity, you ensure students receive the necessary support and opportunities to become the leaders they are meant to be. 

To give by mail, make checks payable to: The University Foundation at Sacramento State

In the memo of the check, please indicate: Black Honors College (or) Black Honors College Scholarships

Mail to: Sacramento State | Development Office | 6000 J Street MS 6030 | Sacramento | CA | 95819

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